In wolrd, from my friend, I was asked how do you make dolls posed?
Aha, it’s not easy to set pose by blender.
OK, I ‘ll opne my work for mesh dolls.
I recommend you to use PMX Editor transform view and VMD play.
1) Open pmd/pmx models in PMX Editor.
2) Open “Transform View” in PMX Editor.
3) Load vmd file you like, from [モード] ([mode]) – [VMDリスト] ([vmd list]) – [ファイル] ([File) – [VMD リスト追加] ([Add to VMD List]) – sample is “イージーデンス”
4) Close the abvoe windows and play motion by check [M] and play [▶] botton. If motion is no played, double click motion name in VMD list window. You can see a model is dancing in Transform windows.
5) If you would like to save the posing, you should STOP playing motion!
6) Go to “Transform View” [File] and click [現在の変形状態でモデル形状を更新-頂点モーフ正規化]。
7) Click OK [Vertex Morfing re-calcurated …] (頂点モーフ再計算閾値) maybe 0.00001
8) PMX view would be updated to same posing in transform view.
9) Save the file as another name.
10) Open the file in Blender by pmd/pmx import tool.
11) If you don’t like physical setting, adjust it in PMX editor.
That’s all